Infrastructures and Civil Engineering

Calcis is a contractor in engineering geophysics and offers engineering geological consultancy. These services are used to understand ground for infrastructures and civil engineering projects.

No single technique has been universally effective. Calcis combines, if necessary, different survey methods to achieve client objectives. Our client main activities include:

Tunnels, High Speed Train (HST) route, Highway, Airport runways, Dams, Bridges...

The geology along linear infrastructures (tunnel, HST route, airport runway and highway), dams and bridges plays a dominant role in many major decisions that must be made during planning, designing and constructions.

Geophysics (surface and borehole) and geotechnics are used to investigate the rock mass along infrastructure alignment before, during and after works (presence of faults, fractures, cavities, karstic zones, loose materials,...)

Geophysical techniques are also used to assess bedrock rippability (excavability), weathering and overburden thicknesses, buried valley, man-made hazards and other subsurface information.

When unanticipated, such geological features can create costly delays, safety problems and disputes during infrastructure constructions.

Buildings, Housing estates and other Dwellings

Foundation design of a construction can significantly change according to subsurface characteristics. The type of foundation directly impacts its cost.


If subsurface investigation is not carried out prior to construction works, unexpected ground condition can lead to additional and unnecessary costs and even stop the project. Negative consequences often occur after works.


New constructions on previously built sites often lead to surprises during excavations works. These surprises can delay and/or make more difficult the completion of works.


Calcis provide a wide range of non-destructive techniques for ground investigation to solve the following problems:

  • Underground cavities detection and localization
  • Karstic risk assessment
  • Fault zones detection
  • Various geological features detection
  • Utility locating (pipes, cables, … and other manmade structures)

Infrastructures quality and Damage inspections

The most common distresses encountered on highways, airport runways, bridges, tunnels and other infrastructures are:

  • ageing damage (corrosion)
  • pavement cracking and rutting related to presence of moisture due to change between wet and dry states
  • delamination
  • detecting voids beneath pavements and tunnel shell
  • measuring pavement and tunnel shell continuous thickness
  • detecting misaligned dowel bars and quality control of bars placement

Geophysical methods provide a time and cost effective means of obtaining high resolution nondestructive mapping required for preventive and rehabilitation of variety of infrastructures.

Waterways and Nearshore infrastructures

Knowledge of seabed soils and rocks is essential if waterways and nearshore infrastructures (quay walls, jetties, breakwater,...) are to be properly and safely designed and built.

Our geotechnical consultants supervise on-site geotechnical investigations to be carried out according to the state-of-the art. The obtained results and all other information concerning the area can be integrated into an engineering geological model for design and planning operations.